Cascading Objectives

Cascading Objectives

11/24/2020 10:05:39 AM

The definition of Cascading Objectives

Goal cas­cad­ing, or objec­tive cas­cad­ing, relates to the process of com­mu­ni­cat­ing and assign­ing goals down­wards through the organizational hier­ar­chy. The sys­tem starts with exec­u­tives, who define strate­gic per­for­mance goals in rela­tion to the organization’s objec­tives.

How do you build cascading objectives?

Build cascading organizational objectives by mapping them across the manager and his/her subordinates. You want to clearly identify the objectives for each team and how they relate to the overall strategy of your company. Cascade goals in performance management system by clearly outlining the responsibilities of each business unit and teams.

How to use the cascading objectives on Performly:

  • The manager could add the objectives and assign it to his/her subordinates.

  • The weight of the cascaded objectives will be “Normal” or “Zero” depends on organization weight setting, till the manager or his/her subordinates edit its weight.
  • Cascaded Objectives will be defined with a chain symbol.

  • The manager and his/her subordinates can edit or check-in in the cascaded objectives, and the progress of it will be reflected on the parent objective’s progress. 

  • The manager only could delete the cascaded objectives and then the chain symbol of this objective will be removed.
  • The manager could evaluate his subordinate on the cascading objectives.
  • Cascaded Objective review behavior:
    • Cascaded objective for subordinates will be evaluated during the evaluation cycle.
    • Shared objectives with peers will not be evaluated during the evaluation cycle.
