Sub Review

Sub Review

1/23/2019 2:21:15 PM

The Manager can submit sub-review for his employees by following the below steps: 

1- Select "Sub Review" from "360 Reviews" and then choose the employee and the year.

2- The manager can select a rate for every objective and write a comment then click "continue" in order to submit the review or click "save" in order to save it without submitting. 

3- The manager can select a rate for every  competence and write a comment then click "continue" in order to submit the review or click "save" in order to save it without submitting. 

4- The manager can insert a development plan for the employee and then click "continue".

5- After that you can click "review" to review the result or you can write an over all comment and click "submit" to submit the review. 
