

12/26/2018 1:28:50 PM

To submit a Travel request

  1. From the drop down menu click: People ==> My Services ==> Logistics ==> Travel Management ==> New Request .
  2. Fill the fields in the form and submit your request 
  3. it will go to the Manger for approval and then to the Travel admin to proceed with the travel request.

Note: if the business travel will be more than 5 days or the request type will be "Long Assignment", it will go to "Mobile Lines" Admin. 

and the Cycle will be as following:

  1. The request will be forwarded to the traveler’s manager for approvals
  2. Budget Team Approval
  3. Business travel team add the below amounts and proceed with the airline tickets and accommodations (Transportation cost, Accommodation, Per-diem Cash, Visa Cost, Extra Expenses)

  4. Finance Team Approval (periderm)
  5. Safe team approval
  6. Treasury team confirm bank transfer (In case of outsourced employee)
  7. HR confirm bank transfer (In case of not outsourced employee)
  8. Employee adds the Reimbursements expenses: (Airport transportation cost, Business calls cost, Laundry cost, Exchange cost, Other cost, Others comments, Add attachments)
  9. Business travel team confirms the reimbursement expenses
  10. Finance team approval.
  11. Safe team Approval.
