Careers Integration

Careers Integration

8/1/2024 1:24:25 PM

For Careers integration please use the below web service:



-          - For Methods with “Pass” parameter, will send the pass in a separate email.

        - For Methods in the asmx service with name "AddNewResume", "UpdateResume", "UpdateResumeAndStep" are deprecated, Please use   "PostResume_2" instead.


  GetCompanies method used to get all companies in the domain, please send  “yourdomain\” to retrieve all companies.


-          GetPositions method:


·         “iCompanyID” will be the value returned from the new “GetCompanies” method.

·         “IsActive” if true, will get Positions active on Intranet (a “null” value should be sent to get all positions regardless its active on intra or not).

·         “IsOpen” if true, will get Positions active on the web site (a “true” value should be sent).

·         “iDepartmentID” will be the value returned form “GetDepartments” (a “null” value should be sent to get all positions in all departments)

·         “iCountryID” (a “null” value should be sent to get all positions in all countries)

·         “sEmploymentTypes” will be the value “EmploymentTypeName” returned form “GetEmploymentTypes” (an empty string should be sent to get all positions in all types)



-          For submission please use “GetResumeByEmail”  and “GetResumeByMobile“ for validation then use for submission:

-          GetResumeByEmail”:

o   “SkipResumeID” send 0 when using “AddNewResume”

o   If returned value not equal to 0, then the typed email already exist.

-          GetResumeByMobile”:

o   “SkipResumeID” send 0 when using “AddNewResume”

o   If returned value not equal to 0, then the typed email already exist.


-          PostResume_2” parameters description (JSON format):

int CompanyID,

string sActionBy, (please send “web site”)

string sPass2,

byte[] oResumeFile, (is an array of bytes that contain the uploaded CV file itself.)

string sResumeFileContent, (please send empty string “”)

string FileName,  (should be the uploaded file name “ex:MyCV.docx”)

string FullName,

string Email,

string Mobile,

string Phone,

string FutureOpportunities,

decimal CurrentSalary,

int EmploymentTypeID,

int FacultyID,

int HearAboutUsID,

string HearAboutUsOther,

 bool IsMale,

string ProfessionalHighlights,

int YearOfGraduation,

int YearsOfExp,

List<DTOs.CV_ResumePosition> lstResumePosition,

List<DTOs.CV_ResumeSkill> lstResumeSkill,

List<DTOs.CV_ResumeExperience> lstExperience


Sample JSON to be sent:

    "oResumeFile": "",
    "CompanyID": 383,
    "sActionBy": "web site",
    "sPass2": "xxxx",
    "sResumeFileContent": "",
    "FacultyID": "1",
    "HearAboutUsID": "1",
    "YearOfGraduation": "1995",
    "YearsOfExp": "1",
    "EmploymentTypeID": "1",
    "FileName": "1",
    "FullName": "1",
    "Email": "[email protected]",
    "Mobile": "012",
    "Phone": "",
    "HearAboutUsOther": "",
    "ProfessionalHighlights": "",
    "lstResumePosition": [
            "PositionID": 2,
            "CountryID": 6,
            "PriorityNum": 3
            "PositionID": 3,
            "CountryID": 6,
            "PriorityNum": 4


public class CV_ResumePosition


        public int PositionID { get; set; }

        public int CountryID { get; set; }

        public int PriorityNum { get; set; }



    public class CV_ResumeSkill


        public int SkillID { get; set; }

        public int RateNum { get; set; }


    public class CV_ResumeExperience


        public int ResumeExperienceID { get; set; }

        public string JobTitle { get; set; }

        public string OrganizationName { get; set; }

        public int EmploymentTypeID { get; set; }



        public DateTime DateFrom { get; set; }

        public DateTime? DateTo { get; set; }



And the return value of type DTOs.Dictionary


  public class Dictionary


        public string Key { get; set; } //Should be “ResumeID”

        public string Value { get; set; }//The new created ResumeID, if it was 0, then an error has occured




