Compensation Workflow and Rules

Compensation Workflow and Rules

5/9/2018 10:27:25 AM

  • Employee must open a compensation request through the Intranet
  • Request will be sent to the direct manager to be approved then reach the HR department.
  • The HR department will check that the request is matching the compensation criteria or not and
  • Notification will be sent to the employee once it’s closed from the HR side whatever with the
  • Acceptance or Rejection.
  • In case Rejection, HR department will make sure to provide the employee with the reason of the rejection.
  • When the HR receives the Compensation request, he will be able to select the number of compensated days either (0-1-2) Days.
  • Also the HR will be able to select whether he wants these days to be added to the Annual balance or Deferred balance.
  • Note: if the compensated day was for the previous year .. " deferred" will be selected by default 
  • but if the compensated day was for the same year, then "Annual" will be selected by default
  • Also for the weekends, the compensation day will be selected 1 by default.

  • Notes:
  • compensation can’t be Requested by employees with employment type ("internship", "part time", "consultancy"), or with titles that contain (“Manager”, “director”)
