

5/13/2018 10:30:36 AM

Attendance Rule:

   Employee Should sign-in-out all days Except for:

  • Weekends (Depend on the employee country).
  • Off Days that was set using the schedule page.
  • Vacation days
  • Employees marked as (Special Outdoor, No Attendance tracking)

 Automatically sign-Out Rule

  • If an employee didn’t sign-out before he/she leaves the office, system will sign out on behalf of him
  • Normally system will set sign-out time after 8 hours of sign in time, Ex: if employee sing in at 11:00 AM then system will set Automatically sign out time 7:00 PM
  • If employee sign in after 4:00 PM then system will set Sign-out time to be 11:59 PM.
  • The system will accumulate the number of automatically sign out quarterly, any employee will fail to sign out 7 times per quarter, the system automatically will deduct 1 day from the employee’s annual leave balance.
  • Employee with schedule have their own rules.

 Absence Rule

  • In case Employee didn’t sign, a task will be assigned to him/her the next day, to select the reason of absence (annual, or casual or sick leave or outdoor work)
  • Pending attendance task on manager’s action will be automatically closed as annual leave after (count) calendar days from the absence date in case of the Outdoor closing otherwise it will be automatically closed same of employee action.
  • Pending attendance task on employee’s action will be automatically closed as annual leave after calendar days from the absence date.
  • If employee doesn’t response to this task for 5 days, he/she receives another notification cc his/her manager
  • When employee takes an action, a notification is sent to his/her manager, the attendance task goes to his/her manager. When manager tasks an action, a notification is sent to HR, the task goes to HR
  • If employee is absent for 5 days in row without response, a notification mail is sent to HR.
  • We exclude the employee approved vacations from attendance tasks, for pending vacations it is considers as absence days.
  • You have to make sure that all employees have the religion field value in active directory to calculate the national holiday correctly for them, we use the “State/Province” for record this data “Christian Or Muslim”
  • Employee with schedule have their own rules in week end, holidays.



Deduction Rule

It is applied as follows:

  • Deferred balance of previous years.
  • Deferred Balance of current year.
  • Available annual balance
  • Then the salary (In case employee is in probation, system will skip the above and go directly to the salary deduction)

