Automatically Sign-Out Rule

Automatically Sign-Out Rule

5/13/2018 10:30:36 AM

 Automatically sign-Out Rule

  • If an employee didn’t sign-out before he/she leaves the office, system will sign out on behalf of him
  • Normally system will set sign-out time after 8 hours of sign in time, Ex: if employee sing in at 11:00 AM then system will set Automatically sign out time 7:00 PM
  • If employee sign in after 4:00 PM then system will set Sign-out time to be 11:59 PM.
  • The system will accumulate the number of automatically sign out quarterly, any employee will fail to sign out 7 times per quarter, the system automatically will deduct 1 day from the employee’s annual leave balance.
  • Employee with schedule have their own rules.
