Sick Leaves

Sick Leaves

5/13/2018 1:03:06 PM

Sick Leave rules:

  • It will be calculated each 3 years for each employee based on his hiring date.
  • 30 sick leave days are PAID during the 3 years.
  • Starting from the day of 31 till 270 sick leave (8 months) :

There are 2 options:

  1. In case of available balance: one day will be deducted from the annual balance for each sick absence day (after the 30 paid sick leave days).
  2. In case of the non-availability of the balance: 25% from the salary day will be deducted.


Notification for both cases during the 8 months


“Please note that you have reached a number of 00 absence days with justification sick leave during the past 3 years since (Hiring date or start date of the current 3 years). As per the policy, any extra sick leave day will be deducted from your annual leave balance or paid based on 75% of your daily salary rate in case you don’t have available annual leave balance.  “


  • Starting from the day of 271 till 365 sick leave (3 months) : it will be UNPAID.


Notification after the 8 months


“Please note that you have reached a number of 00 absence days with justification sick leave during the past 3 years since (Hiring date or start date of the current 3 years). As per the policy, any extra sick leave day will be deducted from your salary since you have consumed your annual leave balance”
